menu is used for opening the Settings dialog box of FlexibleSoft Quick Backup
and for selecting the backup archive you want to restore.
Open backups folder - opens the folder with the data backups created by the program.
Open logs folder - opens the folder with the logs files created by the program.
Restore - this menu item has a submenu where the program stores links to the last 15 archives. Select the archive that you need to restore and the program will restore the backed up data. In the process of restoring, you can encounter the situation when the file that is being restored already exists. In this case FlexibleSoft Quick Backup will ask you if the file should be overwritten or skipped.
Restore -> Open… allows you to restore data from a file created on another computer or for some reason not displayed in the list described above.
Settings… - opens the Settings dialog box of FlexibleSoft Quick Backup.
Even if you use the default
settings, you can backup your data.
Run automatically at startup - allows you to enable starting FlexibleSoft Quick Backup automatically after Windows is loaded.
About… - opens the dialog box with the main information about the program and its authors.
Exit - closes FlexibleSoft Quick Backup.